The Tasks of the Faculties
The faculties’ Offices of the Deans of Studies support their teaching staff with continuing professional development and further qualifications that relate to academic development. The University of Göttingen has no specified standardised approach for when results from course evaluation are repeatedly poor. Competence for dealing with such results falls within the scope of the respective Office of the Dean of Studies. This is intended to avoid over-regulation and enable a communication between colleagues in the same subject on an equal footing. Teaching staff should be positively engaged and passionate about good teaching.
Many faculties evaluate their junior professors regularly, in order to help university teachers and/or trainee professors to focus on the relevance and importance of good teaching from an early stage of their career and offer support for further qualifications early on.
In general, great importance is placed on good teaching at the University of Göttingen without it being over-regulated centrally. The member of the Presidential Board for Academic Affairs supports the various institutions with their projects to improve teaching and contributes to the exchange within the University between the many people involved in teaching.