During Studies
Information events at the University of Göttingen are not just limited to the self-assessment and study orientation phases but support students throughout their entire time at university.
Study and examination advice services are offered at every stage of studies and designed to meet all kinds of individual situation and need for support. Examination advice is mainly given by the Examination Office. Besides clarifying organisational questions about feedback, leave of absence, switching degree programme or university, students are helped with planning timetables and developing a profile. Advice is also offered on problems during studies or with financing. For practical questions concerning specific details of individual subjects, the students can call on the academic studies advice service.
Students with health problems often have to be more organised to agree requirements in relation to studying and disadvantages. Correspondingly, they frequently have complex concerns in relation to the flexible arrangement of their studies and workload as well as the modification of study and exam conditions, often also in connection with questions of funding. In many cases, a sound solution is only possible in cooperation with other institutions inside or outside the university. The representative for students with disabilities and chronic diseases is there as contact and provides support, where relevant in coordination with other contacts, for implementing an individual or general solution.
Wide-ranging advice services are particularly important in conflict situations. Therefore students can for example turn to the academic and examination advice service and staff at the Examination Offices or even the central Ombudsperson for Student and Academic Services if they have problems with examiners. In problematic situations affecting studies, interdisciplinary advice can be provided to give students the best possible support. To promote individual success in studies, there are various coaching services, e.g. from ZSB and the psychological counselling service of the Göttingen Studentenwerk.
In order to enable all students to study successfully and to support them if they experience discrimination at the university, the university offers advice and information during their studies, such as the Central Student Advisory Service, the faculties’ examination and studies advice services, academic studies advice, the university out-patient psychotherapy service for students (PAS), the Family Service.
The Student Advisory Service is available for all questions about switching degree programme or university. There are advice services both for Göttingen students who want to switch within the University or to another one, as well as for those who want to move from another university to Göttingen.
In addition a broad range of study abroad and internship advice services promote the internationalisation of studies and their practical application.
The Information Platform for Students (IPS2) offers students a customisable interactive tool, eCampus, combining all the important systems for their studies (inc. FlexNow, Stud.IP, UniVZ). This enables students to plan their current semester and ongoing course of studies.