Objectives of Quantitative Data Collection
The primary objective of conducting the survey of graduates is to integrate the points of view of former students of the University of Göttingen in the ongoing development and improvement of the study programmes and the conditions of study. In addition, the survey of graduates enables the objectives of the study programme (occupations, transfer of specific skills) adapted to the current labor market situation. The tool is part of the “Check” stage of the Plan, Do, Check and Act quality control loop, which is then concluded after sifting the results and carrying out adjustments or drawing conclusions.
In order to take graduates’ points of view into account in the long-term and above all over lengthy intervals, the first follow-up surveys will soon be carried out, enabling repeated review of findings on starting a career and choice of profession, even when graduation was a considerable while ago.
Carrying out follow-up surveys enables consideration of the long-term vocational relevance of the skills and competencies acquired during studies.
Therefore surveys of graduates contribute information in particular on the following questions:
- How do graduates rate their degree in retrospect?
- What occupations have graduates found?
- How did they find the transition from studying to work?
- Does the work fit in with what was studied?
- How do graduates rate the skills they acquired through studying and the benefits of these skills in working life?
The surveys also look at equal opportunity and diversity aspects. They hereby examine whether and to what extent aspects relevant to diversity such as migration background, chronic diseases and disability affect students in relation to their studies as well as when starting and pursuing a career.
The surveys also gather data on aspects of diversity and experiences such as an actual or ascribed “migration background”, health problems, educational background or own caring responsibilities for children.